
Each spring, the DGSC conducts elections for its representatives and student representatives to specific Graduate Center bodies. The nominations and elections process is held online; no paper ballots are mailed.


Nominations for Program Representatives (matriculated students only), At-Large Representatives, Advocate Advisory Board, OpenCUNY Board, Faculty-Student Disciplinary Panel Representatives, Student Academic Appeals Officer (matriculated students only), and the Student Elections Review Committee can be made online from the first business day of February to the first business day of March.

To make nomination(s) for Program Representative, Advocate Advisory Board, OpenCUNY Board, At-large Representative, the Disciplinary Panel, Student Academic Appeals Officer, and the Student Elections Review Committee, follow these three steps:

  1. Go to https://eBallot4.votenet.com/dsc.
  2. Login with your username and password:
    • USERNAME: (Your 9 digit Banner ID #)
    • PASSWORD: (Your first & last initial followed by your year of birth)
  3. Nominate using your personalized ballot.


Elections for Program Representatives, At-Large Representatives, Advocate Advisory Board, OpenCUNY Board, the Faculty-Student Disciplinary Panel, Student Academic Appeals Officers, and the Student Elections Review Committee can be made online from the first business day of April to the first business day of May.

To vote for Program Representatives (matriculated students only), At-Large Representatives, Advocate Advisory Board, OpenCUNY Board, Faculty-Student Disciplinary Panel Representatives, Student Academic Appeals Officer (matriculated students only), and the Student Elections Review Committee, follow these three steps:

  1. Go to https://eBallot4.votenet.com/dsc.
  2. Login with your username and password:
    • USERNAME: (Your 9 digit Banner ID #)
    • PASSWORD: (Your first & last initial followed by your year of birth)
  3. Vote for candidates using your personalized ballot.

Student Leadership Eligibility

In submitting nominations or write-in votes for DGSC representatives and other positions, please take note of the CUNY Board of Trustees eligibility guidelines. The guidelines pertinent to Graduate Center students are as follows (and see Term Limits, below):

Term Limits

Except for Doctoral Students’ Council Co-Chairs, who are limited to a maximum of three years, “[s]tudents shall be permitted to serve in the same executive office in a student government, the University Student Senate, or other student leadership [executive] position for a maximum of two years.”

Certification of Eligibility

The Vice President for Student Affairs is required to certify to the President each semester that all students running for or holding leadership positions meet CUNY’s revised eligibility guidelines. These guidelines apply to all students nominated or elected after January 1, 2007.

Eligibility Questions

Any questions about the guidelines themselves may be directed to Ms Elise Perram, Associate Director of Student Affairs / Director of Student Activities at eperram@gc.cuny.edu or 212-817-7411 / 7400.

Description of Positions

At-Large Representatives

At-large representatives attend monthly DGSC meetings and participate in student government on behalf of the general student population. For each 200 members of the DGSO, or part thereof, as of March 1 there shall be up to one At-Large Representative seat.

Program Representatives

Program Representatives are responsible for attending DGSC meetings once a month, submitting check requests for and spending program allocations each semester, informing students in their programs of DGSC matters and concerns, and bringing information about student concerns to the attention of the DGSC.

The students of each doctoral program, doctoral subprogram, and masters program or subprogram that is not affiliated with or part of a doctoral program elect Program Representatives to the DGSC. For each program, there is up to one Program Representative seat for the first 100 students or part thereof and one Program Representative seat for each additional 100 students or part thereof as of March 1.

No seats exist until a nomination for its At-Large or Program Representative has been accepted during the nominations process, with the first acceptance creating the first seat and each additional acceptance creating the additional seat(s) up to the total number allowed. Programs who fail to nominate may create a seat later by a petition mechanism.

Faculty-Student Disciplinary Panel

The Faculty-Student Disciplinary Panel includes student representation and convenes to settle non-academic student disciplinary matters.

Advocate Advisory Board

The Advocate Advisory Board recommends non-editorial policies to the editor-in-chief of the Advocate newspaper and the Steering Committee. The Board meets twice each semester.

OpenCUNY Board

The OpenCUNY Board determines governance policies for the digital media of OpenCUNY. Only current members of OpenCUNY.org can serve on the board. The OpenCUNY Board meets at least twice each semester.

Student Academic Appeals Officer

Students may be asked to consult for academic appeals panels at the Provost’s Office level.

Student Elections Review Committee

The Student Elections Review Committee approves election procedures and certifies the results of student government elections and student body referenda.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.