
DGSC Grants support cultural events, conferences, performances, professional development activities, publications, seminars, and other projects organized by students. Events and other resources funded by DGSC grants must be free and open—though not restricted to—all Graduate Center students. Priority is given to proposals that are interdisciplinary in nature and to programs, disciplines, and areas of interest that have not received grant funds during the current fiscal year.

The DGSC does not provide grants for conference travel and research. Grants for conference presentations are administered by the Office of Student Affairs.

At the bottom of this page, you can view six exceptional grant proposals that received DGSC funding. These can serve as models for your proposal. Examples of grants include:


Maximum Award Amounts

For 2023-24 the Committee awards up to $1,000 for regular grants. Start-up grants are awarded for less than or equal to one-third of the regular grant amount. To receive an award above the maximum, provide justification of extraordinary circumstances in the proposal.

Submitting a Grant Application

Note for Start-up Grants: These are available for projects and events that have no other funding. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and undergo expedited review. Students from the same Chartered Organization, or ad-hoc group shall not receive more than one start-up grant each fiscal year, and start-up grant funds may not be used for printing, with the exception of print journals. Start-up grant activities must be publicized three business days in advance. 

Spending Grant Money

Your grant money can be spent via requisition, reimbursement or credit. Go to Forms & Guides for more information.

Your award can be claimed via reimbursement for either goods (e.g., food, space or technology purchases) or services (e.g., honoraria for speakers). Check requests for goods must be accompanied by original receipts (scans or digital copies are acceptable). Honoraria must include a completed honorarium letter.


Applicants may appeal decisions of the Grants Committee regarding their own applications. An appeal must be submitted in writing to a member of the Steering Committee within 20 business days of the decision. A decision may be overturned, and funds awarded by a two-thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no guarantee that funding allocated to a specific initiative will be allocated at all or in the same amount the following year nor is there any guarantee of full or partial funding for any proposal. Organizers are encouraged to also look for sponsoring from additional sources.

Grant Resources

Exceptional Grant Applications

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.