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Create Grant Proposal

For the current maximum award amount, see; larger amounts may be considered in extraordinary circumstances to be described in the application below. No grant monies shall be spent for alcohol.
Please provide a detailed description that includes a statement of how students are involved in organizing and participating in the grant activities and the significant educational, recreational, or professional benefit for students.
Date of Event
Grant-funded activities may not take place before the first committee meeting at which the application is discussed, with the exception of the October meeting at which any events since July 1 of that year may be considered. All grant-funded activities must be publicized at least 10 business days in advance and state DGSC sponsorship.
Please indicate the projected student attendance for the event/project. If the grant proposal spans several days, indicate the total attendance for all days. This information will not impact whether your proposal gets funded; it will be used to evaluate budget line items, especially with respect to their quantities.
Budget and Publicity Material
The first row will appear as the table header. Leave the first row blank if you do not need a header.
This brief caption will be associated with the table and will help screen reader better describe the content within.
You must provide a detailed budget and mock publicity material for the event. All events must be publicized at least 10 business days in advance in order for the event to be eligible to receive grant funds. Grant recipients must state DGSC sponsorship in flyers, ads, etc. Please provide a line-item budget for your project/event. For each line item expenditure, you MUST indicate the source of funds for that item (e.g., $200 DGSC grant, $100 DGSC program allocation). You can upload an attachment with the budget using the File Attachment link below, or write in the space provided. Indicate which items will be funded by the DGSC grant and in what amounts. Use the comments field for additional lines or other information, such as revenue sources.
File Attachment
Maximum 5 files.
15 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp rtf docx xlsx.
I agree that under the terms of DGSC Bylaw 1.2: Digital Signatures, I am providing a digital signature and timestamp by submitting this form.
Revision information
Briefly describe the changes you have made.