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Emeritus DGSC Leadership Advisory Board (EDLAB)

EDLAB shall serve as a source of institutional knowledge and guidance for the DGSC.  The members of EDLAB shall provide mentorship and advice to members of the DGSC, when requested, and advocate for Graduate Center students through formal and informal channels. EDLAB shall have no decision-making power within the DGSC.

EDLAB shall consist of up to nine former officers of the DGSC. Each year, three members of EDLAB shall be appointed by the Executive Committee prior to the first Plenary meeting, when this selection shall be reported to the DGSC. The term of appointment shall be three years, and members may be reappointed for additional terms. After serving three consecutive terms, a member shall be ineligible for appointment for a period of three years.

The duties of EDLAB shall include but not be limited to:

  • maintaining the institutional knowledge of the DGSC;
  • advising and mentoring DGSC officers and representatives upon request;
  • publicly raising awareness of the DGSC and its mission and aims; and
  • advocating for Graduate Center students to the extent possible.

Current Members (2022-2023)

EDLAB Members continuing for their final year
Ana Perry
Hamad Sindhi

EDLAB Members continuing for their second year
Sara Ortiz
Raj Korpan
Roderick Hurley

EDLAB Members serving their first year
Adam Kocurek
Deborah Leter
Sharanya Dutta