Locker Requests

Lockers are available for academic-year-long use in Rooms 5414 and 5409.

You must submit a locker request to gain access to a locker, but completion of a request does NOT guarantee a student a locker. Lockers are allocated each September based on availability. The September deadline is announced on the DGSC website and through email. Students assigned lockers may use them through May 31 of this academic year. Questions:

If you file your request

Locker Policy

1. Use of Lockers

All lockers made available for student use are the property of The Graduate Center. These lockers are made available for students to store books, supplies and personal items necessary for use at the college. They may not be used to store items which cause, or reasonably can be foreseen to cause, any interference with the college’s purposes or which are forbidden by the CUNY Henderson Rules or state law. Perishable food items may not be stored in the lockers.

The student’s use of the locker does not diminish The Graduate Center’s ownership or control of the lockers. The Graduate Center retains the right to remove a user’s lock and to inspect the locker’s contents. That right may be exercised to maintain hygiene, to insure that a locker is being used in accordance with its intended purposes, to eliminate fire or other hazards, and to prevent the use of the locker to store prohibited materials.

The Graduate Center is not responsible for the theft or loss of any materials left in the lockers. The users assume all risk associated with their use.

2. Locker Assignment

The individual academic programs will be responsible for assignment of lockers and associated record keeping.

3. Locker Inspections

The Director of Security & Public Safety, his designee, or a member of the administrative staff designated by the President will conduct all inspections.

An inspection of a locker will not be conducted unless there are reasonable grounds to believe that the locker contains items that compromise hygiene, pose a threat to public safety, or are forbidden by CUNY Henderson Rules or state law.

Before a student’s locker is inspected, the student shall, where possible, be contacted and given the opportunity to be present during the inspection, unless circumstances require that the inspection be conducted without delay to protect the health and safety of others. In addition, the program’s Executive Officer or designee will also be present during inspection. If no program officer is available, the President of The Graduate Center or his designee may appoint a representative. Whenever a locker has been inspected under this rule without the student’s presence, the Executive Officer or his designee shall notify the student of such inspection as soon as possible thereafter. A Security Incident Report, stating the reasons for and results of the inspection, will be prepared and forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

When conducting an inspection pursuant to this policy, the inspector shall take care to avoid unduly disrupting the contents of the locker.

4. Involvement of Law Enforcement Officials

The President or his designee may request the assistance of law enforcement officials to assist in the inspection of lockers or their contents to protect the healthy and safety of persons or property.

5. Vacating Lockers

To accommodate routine maintenance, students are expected to vacate lockers by the last day of the academic year (or the last day of the semester if program policy so mandates). After that process is complete, lockers may be reassigned.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.