
1. Definitions and Policies

1.1. Semesters

A semester shall be defined as the first day of classes through ten business days following the last day of classes, as set by the Graduate Center academic calendar.

1.2. Digital Signatures

A digital signature is valid only if sent via the signatory’s Graduate Center email account or if it is accompanied by the signatory’s student ID and, in the case of matriculated students, the student’s program.

1.3. Notifications in Writing

The Steering Committee shall maintain an updated list of acceptable media for “in-writing notifications,” which shall include, at minimum, postmarked mail and email. DGSC notifications shall be sent, at minimum, to the intended recipient’s Graduate Center email address.

1.4. Hiring Procedures

Unless otherwise specified, all senior non-contractual positions hired by the DGSC shall follow these procedures.

a. Hiring Team

An ad-hoc committee (hereafter known as “the hiring team”) shall be convened, consisting of the Co-Chair for Student Affairs, ex-officio, one At-Large Steering Officer named by the Steering Committee, one DGSC representative named by the Steering Committee, one member of the DGSO named by the Steering Committee, and one other member chosen as follows: If an advisory board exists for the affiliate, the Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall request that the board members select by unanimous consensus, or if this is not possible, by majority vote, one of their elected members; in the absence of a board for the affiliate, the member shall be appointed by unanimous decision of the current senior employees of that affiliate who are not applicants for the position. Any matriculated students who have previously held but are not current applicants for the position shall be ex-officio advisors to the hiring team, with voice but no vote at all meetings, including executive sessions. The team shall elect its own chair from among the voting members.

b. Public Advertisement of Positions

Public advertisement of the vacancy shall be made at least two weeks before the application deadline. The Steering Committee shall maintain an updated list of acceptable media for public advertisement.

c. Meetings

All meetings of the hiring team, including interviews, must achieve a quorum of a majority of the voting members of the hiring team and shall be subject to DGSC meeting requirements.

d. Interviews and Additional Materials

Upon the close of applications, the list of applicants will be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs for certification of matriculation, good academic standing, and eligibility to serve (henceforth, “certification” of eligibility). All eligible applicants will be notified by the Co-Chair for Student Affairs that their application has been received, as well as whether or not they were considered for an interview. All ineligible applicants will be notified of such by the Co-Chair for Student Affairs.

Any voting member of the hiring team may request that any candidate be interviewed or interviewed a second time. Additional materials may be requested of applicants, provided that all applicants are asked to provide them, by a simple majority of the voting members of the hiring team.

e. Hiring and Removal

Successful candidates shall be hired by a simple majority of the voting members of the hiring team and shall serve at the pleasure of the DGSC under the supervision of the Co-Chair for Business and the Steering Committee.

All senior employees of the DGSC must remain certified for eligibility throughout their term of employment in the same manner as DGSC representatives, and shall be considered to be holding an appointed office in the DGSC for the purposes of the CUNY Manual of General Policy on Student Government and Stipends.

f. Retention of Applications and Expedited Searches

The Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall maintain copies of all application materials for a period of one year. In the case of mid-year vacancies in any senior employee position for any affiliate, the Co-Chair for Student Affairs may conduct an expedited search by reconvening the most recent hiring team for any senior position for that affiliate. The reconvened team may hire a candidate from among those applicants without conducting a full search or may vote to open a full search. In the case of differing job titles and functions among senior employees of the same affiliate, all candidates from searches within the past year shall be considered, regardless of the specific title to which they applied, and the reconvened hiring team must be the most recent hiring team for any of these positions.

1.5. Review and Reappointment of Senior Employees

Unless otherwise specified, all senior non-contractual positions hired by the DGSC shall follow these procedures.

a. Annual Goals and Quarterly Review

Each Affiliate shall submit to the Co-Chair for Business a description of goals within each of their duties as enumerated in the Bylaws at least 10 days before the September Steering Committee meeting. Prior to submitting these goals, Affiliates will meet with at least three members of the Steering Committee, including one co-chair, to have an informal discussion about the goals they will submit. The Steering Committee shall review these goals at its September meeting and provide written feedback through the Co-Chair for Business. Goals should be revised accordingly in coordination with the Co-Chair for Business. Employees shall submit quarterly updates to the Co-Chair for Business describing progress within their revised goals one week in advance of the November, February, and April Steering Committee meetings. The Steering Committee may choose to hold additional meetings in these months dedicated to personnel business, in which case employees’ quarterly reports shall be submitted to the Co-Chair for Business one week in advance of these personnel meetings. The Steering Committee shall provide written feedback on these reports through the Co-Chair for Business within ten business days. Each Affiliate will present a report to the DGSC Plenary at least once per year, with the exception of the Adjunct Project, which shall present a report at least once per semester. Additional Affiliate reports to the Plenary may be requested in writing by either two co-chairs, a majority of the Steering Committee, or at least ten DGSC representatives.

b. Reappointment

Each senior employee is automatically reappointed for the following academic year, and their appointment shall be for up to two consecutive years, unless they choose to resign or are removed from their position following a period of probation.

1.6. Probation and Withdrawal of Appointment of Senior Employees

Unless otherwise specified, all senior non-contractual positions hired by the DGSC shall follow these procedures.

a. Probation

Any senior employee may be placed on a period of probation by a two-thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee. The motion for probation must specify the cause of the probation and outline a series of expectations according to which the employee shall be evaluated at the following Steering Committee meeting. The probation shall lapse at the end of that meeting unless a motion to withdraw appointment is passed, in which case the term of the employee shall end one month from the date of that meeting.

b. Withdrawal of Appointment

Any senior employee may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee following a period of probation. The Co-Chair for Business shall notify the employee no later than three calendar days following the Steering Committee meeting at which a motion to withdraw appointment is passed. The motion to withdraw appointment must contain the date at which employment shall be terminated, and all stipend payments shall be prorated to this date with the understanding that the outgoing employee will participate in the transition of the position, which may include preparation of a transition memo, archival of relevant materials, and advising on the hiring and training of the next employee.

c. Appeal of Withdrawal of Appointment

Withdrawal of appointment of any senior employee may be appealed to the DGSC at the Plenary meeting following the Steering Committee meeting at which the motion to withdraw appointment was passed, provided that the employee has been notified at least seven calendar days before the Plenary meeting. If the employee has not been notified by this time, the appeal may be heard at the second Plenary meeting following the Steering Committee meeting at which appointment is withdrawn. The appeal must be filed in writing with a member of the Executive Committee seven calendar days before the Plenary meeting at which the appeal shall be heard, and the appellant shall have the right to present oral or written statements to the DGSC during executive session. The appellant may be compelled to leave any portion of the executive session at the discretion of the chair of the meeting, subject to appeal by the DGSC.

d. Interim Appointments and Job Searches

When a position is vacant due to withdrawal of appointment, a full or expedited search may not be conducted, nor positions advertised, until after the Plenary meeting at which the former employee may appeal withdrawal of appointment. The Co-Chair for Business, in consultation with any remaining senior employees and advisory committees or members of the affiliate, may appoint an interim employee for vacant positions with pay equal to the stipend payment for that position, prorated to the dates of appointment and termination. Interim appointments shall lapse before the date of appointment of successful candidates for the position as determined by the regular or expedited hiring team.

1.7. Use of a Shared Medium for Minutes

Whenever possible, the person responsible for taking minutes at a given meeting shall make use of a medium that enables the most rapid sharing of those minutes with the chair of the meeting and the Co-Chair for Communications. Whenever possible, minutes from a given meeting should be shared before the end of the meeting. When this is not possible, minutes should be shared within 24 hours of the end of the meeting.

1.8 Ratification of Officers

DGSC officers may not take office until ratified by a majority vote of the DGSC or DGSCE after the officers-elect have sworn an oath to uphold the DGSC Constitution and Bylaws in their official duties.

1.9 Exclusive Reading of Seats

Unless otherwise specified, whenever the Bylaws direct the Steering Committee to appoint members to committees, boards, and teams, “DGSC representatives” shall refer to non-members of the Steering Committee and “DGSO members” shall refer to non-representatives of the DGSC.

2. At-Large Steering Officers

One At-Large Steering Officer shall be appointed to each of the following domains.

2.1. The Officer for Funding

The duties of the Officer for Funding shall include but not be limited to:

2.2. The Officer for Governance and Membership

The duties of the Officer for Governance and Membership shall include but not be limited to:

2.3. The Officer for Health and Wellness

The duties of the Officer for Health and Wellness shall include but not be limited to:

2.4. The Officer for Outreach

The duties of the Officer for Outreach shall include but not be limited to:

2.5. The Officer for Student Life and Services

The duties of the Officer for Student Life and Services shall include but not be limited to:

2.6. The Officer for Technology and Library

The duties of the Officer for Technology and Library shall include but not be limited to:

3. Standing Committees, Boards, and Task Forces

The DGSC shall have the following standing committees, boards, and task forces. In the event that a standing committee cannot meet its membership requirements from existing DGSC representatives, the Steering Committee may appoint an otherwise qualified member of the DGSO in good standing in lieu of a DGSC representative, subject to certification of eligibility by the Office of Student Affairs in the same manner as DGSC representatives.

3.1. Constitution & Bylaws Committee

a. Purpose

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall review all aspects of DGSC governance and make recommendations to the DGSC pertaining thereto.

b. Membership

The voting members of the Constitution & Bylaws committee shall consist of the Co-Chair for Student Affairs, the Co-Chair for Communications, the Co-Chair for Business, and the Officer for Governance and Membership, all four being ex-officio, and other DGSC representatives appointed by the Steering Committee, with no fewer than five and no more than nine members total. The committee shall be chaired by the Officer for Governance and Membership. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee, including the Officer for Governance and Membership and one co-chair.

c. Duties of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee

The duties of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee shall include but not be limited to:

3.2. Grants Committee

a. Purpose

The Grants Committee shall award funds for cultural events, conferences, performances, professional development activities, publications, seminars, and other projects organized by students from program standing or ad-hoc committees, Chartered Organizations, or ad-hoc groups not necessarily associated with programs or Chartered Organizations. The Grants Committee shall give priority to applications that are interdisciplinary in nature and to programs, disciplines, and areas of interest that have not received grant funds during the current fiscal year. Participation in grant-funded activities must be free and open to all Graduate Center students.

b. Membership

The voting members of the Grants Committee shall consist of the Co-Chair for Business and the Officer for Funding, both ex-officio, and DGSC representatives appointed by the Steering Committee, with no fewer than three and no more than nine members total and no more than two from the same program. The committee shall be chaired by the Officer for Funding.

c. Meetings

Before the start of the fall semester, the Grants Committee shall determine its meeting dates for the fall semester, its public notice list, and the maximum award amount for the year, which shall not exceed 5% of the total annual budget allocation for grant awards, except in extraordinary circumstances as described below. Meeting dates for the spring semester will be determined prior to the January grants application deadline. The Grants Committee shall meet during the first weeks of October, November, December, February, March, April, and May. The Officer for Funding shall send the agenda, draft minutes of the previous meeting, and completed regular applications to all committee members at least seven calendar days before each meeting. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee, including the Co-Chair for Business and the Officer for Funding.

d. Regular Applications

Applications for grants shall be reviewed on a regular basis with a submission deadline of the third Friday of September, October, November, January, February, March, and April before each scheduled meeting and a possibility for revision in the interim as requested by the Officer for Funding. Applications shall include but not be limited to:

Grant-funded activities may not take place before the first committee meeting at which the application is discussed, with the exception of the October meeting at which any events since July 1 of that year may be considered. No monies shall be spent on alcohol. Requests for awards exceeding the maximum amount may be requested in extraordinary circumstances to be described in the application itself, and may be awarded with an exception granted by the committee. The spring semester meetings of the committee may review grants for activities occurring between the start of the next fiscal year and the first day of the fall semester. Awards during this period may not receive a committee exception to exceed the maximum award amount. To ensure budget responsibility, the total grant monies awarded during this summer period should total no more than 1% of the current proposed fiscal year’s budget as determined by the Co-Chair for Business.

e. Review of Regular Applications

Applications received before each deadline shall be discussed at the first scheduled meeting following that deadline, as follows:

f. Start-Up Grants

Applications requesting less than or equal to one-third of the maximum award amount, and having no other sources of funding, are reviewed as follows. Applications receiving approval in writing with the physical or digital signatures of a simple majority of members of the Grants Committee shall authorize the Co-Chair for Business to disburse funds. If not approved, the applicant may request at the next available meeting of the committee, unless the final meeting of the fiscal year has already passed. The Officer for Funding shall report new start-up grant awards at the following meeting of the committee, as well as at the next Plenary and Steering Committee meetings. The total amount of such awards shall not exceed 20% of the annual budget of the Grants Committee.

g. Appeal

Applicants may appeal decisions of the Grants Committee regarding their own applications. An appeal must be submitted in writing to a member of the Steering Committee within 20 business days of the decision. A decision may be overturned and funds awarded by a two-thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee.

h. Publicity

All grant-funded activities must state DGSC sponsorship, or include the DGSC logo, and must be publicized at least 10 business days in advance, with the exception of start-up grant activities, which must be publicized at least three business days in advance. The Grants Committee shall maintain a list of media and methods deemed sufficient for public notice.

3.3. Health and Wellness Committee

a. Purpose

The Health and Wellness Committee shall advocate improvements in student health and wellness including, but not limited to, student health and psychological counseling services at the Wellness Center, inoculations programs, and student health insurance.

b. Membership

The voting members of the Health and Wellness Committee shall consist of the Officer for Health and Wellness, ex-officio, and DGSC representatives appointed by the Steering Committee, with no fewer than three and no more than nine members total. The committee shall be chaired by the Officer for Health and Wellness. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee, including the Officer for Health and Wellness.

c. Duties of the Health and Wellness Committee

The duties of the Health and Wellness Committee shall include but not be limited to:

3.4. Outreach Committee

a. Purpose

The Outreach Committee shall strive to integrate all Graduate Center students into the life of the institution.

b. Membership

The voting members of the Outreach Committee shall consist of the Officer for Outreach, ex-officio, and other DGSC representatives appointed by the Steering Committee, with no fewer than three and no more than five members total, with at least one being an international student and at least one being based at senior-college campuses. The committee shall be chaired by the Officer for Outreach. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee, including the Officer for Outreach.

c. Duties of the Outreach Committee

The duties of the Outreach Committee shall include but not be limited to:

3.5. Student Services Committee

a. Purpose

The Student Services Committee shall advise the DGSC on existing and potential services funded by student activity fees.

b. Membership

The voting members of the Student Services Committee shall consist of the Co-Chair for Student Affairs and the Officer for Student Life and Services, both ex-officio, and other DGSC representatives appointed by the Steering Committee, with no fewer than three and no more than five members total, with at least one student based at a senior-college campus. The committee shall be chaired by the Officer for Student Life and Services. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee, including the Co-Chair for Student Affairs and the Officer for Student Life.

c. Duties of the Student Services Committee

The duties of the Student Services Committee shall include but not be limited to:

3.6 University Student Senate Advisory Committee

a. Purpose

The University Student Senate Advisory Committee shall advise the University Student Senate Delegate on issues pertaining to the USS and USS fees and expenditures.

b. Membership

The voting members of the University Student Senate Advisory Committee shall consist of the USS Delegate ex-officio, and other DGSC representatives appointed by the Steering Committee, with no fewer than three and no more than seven members total. The committee shall be chaired by the USS Delegate. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee, including the University Student Senate Delegate.

c. Duties of the University Student Senate Advisory Committee

The duties of the University Student Senate Advisory Committee shall include but not be limited to:

3.7 Governance Task Force

a. Purpose

The Governance Task Force shall review governance documents and policies at the Graduate Center, investigate reported infractions of governance, report to the DGSC and the appropriate committees of the Graduate Council, and provide mediation, intervention, and advocacy in furthering democracy and democratic processes at the Graduate Center and CUNY.

b. Membership

The members of the Governance Task Force shall consist of the student members of the Graduate Council Committee on Structure, ex-officio, all members of the DGSC Executive Committee, ex-officio, and any and all interested members of the DGSO, who will be ratified by the DGSC Steering Committee. When possible, a diversity of academic clusters and programs should be represented.

c. Leadership

The Governance Task Force shall elect at least two co-leaders from among its members at its first meeting, which shall be convened by the Co-Chair for Student Affairs. When possible, at least one co-leader should be a non-member of the DGSC Executive Committee.

d. Duties of the Governance Task Force

The duties of the Governance Task Force shall include but not be limited to:

3.8 Emeritus DGSC Leadership Advisory Board (EDLAB)

a. Purpose

EDLAB shall serve as a source of institutional knowledge and guidance for the DGSC. The members of EDLAB shall provide mentorship and advice to members of the DGSC, when requested, and advocate for Graduate Center students through formal and informal channels. EDLAB shall have no decision-making power within the DGSC.

b. Membership

EDLAB shall consist of up to nine former officers of the DGSC. Each year, three members of EDLAB shall be appointed by the Executive Committee prior to the first Plenary meeting, when this selection shall be reported to the DGSC. The term of appointment shall be three years, and members may be reappointed for additional terms. After serving three consecutive terms, a member shall be ineligible for reappointment for a period of three years.

c. Duties

The duties of EDLAB shall include but not be limited to:

4. Affiliates

4.1. Adjunct Advocacy and Affairs

a. Name and Purpose

The name of this activity shall be The Adjunct Project to recognize the ongoing interest of the DGSC in adjunct issues affecting Graduate Center students. The Adjunct Project shall advocate on behalf of and disseminate information to and concerning the Graduate Center student adjuncts and those with equivalent teaching responsibilities, with attention given to the CUNY-wide adjunct situation and the state of academic labor as a whole.

b. Adjunct Project Advisory Board

The Adjunct Project Advisory Board shall make recommendations concerning the primary community organizing goals of the DGSC and DGSO regarding the situations of Graduate Center student workers. The Board shall be composed of the Adjunct Project Coordinators, one member of the Steering Committee elected at its first meeting, one member of the DGSC elected from and by the DGSCE at its elections meeting, and two members elected from and by the DGSO during DGSC elections each spring. All Board members must be registered students in good standing during their terms of office, subject to certification of eligibility by the Office of Student Affairs in the same manner as DGSC representatives. All members of the Adjunct Project Advisory Board, including the Coordinators, shall have equal voting power. If a member misses two consecutive meetings, they will be removed from the board. The Adjunct Project Advisory Board shall meet at least twice each semester.

c. Hiring of Coordinators

The coordinators must be matriculated Graduate Center students with experience as CUNY adjuncts or adjunct-equivalent roles and shall be selected according to DGSC hiring procedures. Other specific qualifications may be stipulated by the hiring team.

d. Coordinator Tenure and Compensation

The coordinators shall serve from July 1 to June 30 and receive a stipend as determined by the DGSO Stipend and Wage Schedule.

e. Coordinator Responsibilities

The coordinators shall be jointly responsible for:

Each coordinator shall be primarily responsible for the position to which they have been appointed; however, these positions do not have exclusive domains but are rather a division of labor in a cooperative effort.

f. Hiring of Consultants

When hiring consultants, the coordinators must hire matriculated Graduate Center students following at least two weeks of public advertisement. Compensation for consultants shall be determined through negotiations between the coordinators and the Co-Chair for Business.

g. Outside Revenue

The coordinators are encouraged to solicit extra funds through any legitimate means. Such funds shall be deposited by the Co-Chair for Business, and the Steering Committee shall allocate discretionary funds in the amount of the revenues.

4.2. Student Newspaper

a. Name and Purpose

The name of the newspaper shall be The Advocate, because the purpose of the paper is to be an advocate for students. The editor-in-chief shall determine editorial policies while respecting the following priority: the Advocate shall primarily serve CUNY graduate students as their general forum and as a source of news and information pertaining to their rights and educational, cultural, and professional interests. The editor-in-chief independently determines editorial policy.

b. Advocate Advisory Board

The Advocate Advisory Board shall make recommendations concerning non-editorial newspaper policies to the editor-in-chief and/or the Steering Committee as appropriate. The Board shall be composed of the editor-in-chief, one member of the DGSC elected from and by the DGSCE at its elections meeting, one member elected from and by the DGSO during DGSC elections each spring, one current or former chartered organization leader elected during DGSC elections each spring, and one representative of each DGSC affiliate, except the Advocate, appointed by unanimous decision of the senior employees of that affiliate. All Board members must be registered students in good standing during their terms of office, subject to certification of eligibility by the Office of Student Affairs in the same manner as DGSC representatives. All members of the Advocate Advisory Board, including the editor-in-chief, shall have equal voting power. If a member misses two consecutive meetings, they will be removed from the board. The Advocate Advisory Board shall meet at least twice each semester.

c. Hiring the Editor-in-Chief

The editor-in-chief must be a registered Graduate Center student and shall be selected according to DGSC hiring procedures.

d. Editorial Tenure and Compensation

The editor-in-chief shall serve from July 1 to June 30 and shall receive a per-issue basis as determined by the DGSO Stipend and Wage Schedule.

e. Editorial Responsibilities

The editor-in-chief shall be responsible for

f. Hiring Non-Freelance Staff and Freelance Contributors

When hiring non-freelance staff, the editor-in-chief must hire registered Graduate Center students following at least two weeks of public advertising. The editor-in-chief may find the following division of labor a useful guide for hiring newspaper staff, but may formally articulate the individual responsibilities of staff members as they see fit.

Editorial and production staff members shall be responsible to the editor-in-chief and associate editors, who will determine their duties. Such persons shall be compensated on a per-issue basis as determined by the DGSO Stipend and Wage Schedule. Freelance Graduate Center student contributors will be compensated for news articles at a rate determined by the editor-in-chief in consultation with the Media Board. Letters to the Editor, opinion pieces, and other non-news articles will not be compensated. The editor-in-chief has the discretion to pay non-student freelance contributions at the normal rate. It is understood that such contributions will be kept to an absolute minimum.

g. Advertising and Outside Revenue

By September 1 of each year, the editor-in-chief shall submit the rates and terms of advertisements for the year to the Co-Chair for Business for approval by the College Association. The editor-in-chief or their designee shall be responsible for billing advertisers within 30 days of the publication date of an advertisement, ascertaining that payment terms have been met, and maintaining records of advertisements published, billings, and payments received. All revenues shall be received by the Co-Chair for Business, who shall disclose their receipt to the editor-in-chief or their designee within seven days. After 60 days, an unpaid account shall be considered past due and referred to the Graduate Center Finance Office for collection. All revenue generated by the Advocate shall be deposited with the DGSC. The editor-in-chief is encouraged to request such funds as an addition to the next fiscal year’s budget, pending approval by the DGSC, as an incentive to generate more revenue. In September of each year, if the budgeted advertising revenue for that fiscal year exceeds the actual revenue deposited during the previous year, the budgeted revenue shall be amended to reflect the actual revenue, and the Advocate budget shall be reduced in the amount of the deficit, pending approval by the DGSC. During the current year, if the deposited revenue exceeds this amended amount during the current year, the Steering Committee shall allocate discretionary funds, if available, in the amount of the excess revenue for the current fiscal year.

4.3. Free and Open-Source Medium

a. Name and Purpose

The name of the digital medium shall be OpenCUNY to recognize the ongoing interest of Graduate Center students in free and open-source digital media. OpenCUNY shall advocate on behalf of and provide Graduate Center students access to free and open-source digital media, with attention given to the CUNY-wide free and open-source digital media situation and its relations with Graduate Center students.

b. Membership

Membership shall be open to any registered Graduate Center student, including non-matriculated students. Voting membership shall be restricted to any matriculated Graduate Center student who is a registered member of The OpenCUNY Coordinators may extend non-voting membership to Graduate Center alumni, matriculated and non-matriculated undergraduate and graduate students at other CUNY colleges, members of faculty and staff of any CUNY college, and students and faculty from other colleges working in conjunction with members.

c. OpenCUNY Board

The OpenCUNY Board shall determine governance policies for the digital medium while respecting the following priority: OpenCUNY shall primarily serve Graduate Center students as their general digital medium and as a means of communication regarding their rights and educational, cultural, and professional interests. The OpenCUNY Board shall be composed of the OpenCUNY Coordinators and four matriculated Graduate Center students. All members of the OpenCUNY Board must be registered Graduate Center students in good standing, subject to certification of eligibility by the Office of Student Affairs in the same manner as DGSC representatives. Members of the OpenCUNY Board, with the exception of the Coordinators, shall be elected annually from and by the DGSO during DGSC elections each spring. All members of the OpenCUNY Board, including the Coordinators, shall have equal voting power. If a member misses two consecutive meetings, they will be removed from the board. The OpenCUNY Board shall meet at least twice each semester.

d. Terms of Participation

The OpenCUNY Board shall maintain a Terms of Participation that defines its governance policy and any other policies deemed appropriate by the committee. The OpenCUNY Board shall independently determine the content of the proposed Terms of Participation. The proposed Terms of Participation must then be approved by members. After receiving approval from members, the proposed Terms of Participation must then be approved by a majority vote at the following meeting of the DGSC. The Terms of Participation shall be ratified once approved by the OpenCUNY Board, by members, and by the DGSC.

e. Hiring of OpenCUNY Coordinators

The coordinators must be registered Graduate Center students and members of and shall be selected according to DGSC hiring procedures.

f. Coordinator Tenure and Compensation

The coordinators shall serve from July 1 to June 30 and receive a stipend as determined by the DGSO Stipend and Wage Schedule.

g. Coordinator Responsibilities

The coordinators shall be jointly responsible for

Each coordinator shall be primarily responsible for the position to which the coordinator has been appointed; however, these positions do not have exclusive domains but are rather a division of labor in a cooperative effort.

5. Chartered Organizations

5.1. Membership

Membership of any chartered organization shall consist of at least 20 matriculated students, or 0.5% of the DGSO, whichever is greater. Membership shall be open to all Graduate Center students, including non-matriculated students. Voting membership shall be restricted to matriculated Graduate Center students. A chartered organization may extend non-voting membership to

by so stipulating in its constitution.

5.2. Rights and Responsibilities of Chartered Organizations

a. Office Space

After two semesters of maintaining an active status, a chartered organization may request office space. Office space will be assigned based on seniority and status: the organization that has been chartered and active for the longest consecutive period shall have the highest priority.

b. Structure of Chartered Organizations

The structure of a chartered organization’s leadership and decision-making shall be determined by each organization. The only requirements are that there shall be at least one designated contact person who is responsible for communication between the organization and the DGSC and that the organization’s model of decision-making be specified in its constitution. The presiding officer (if any), the contact person, and all voting officers of a chartered organization shall be matriculated students at the Graduate Center.

c. Fiscal Policies

In accordance with the Board of Trustees’ fiscal policy, no chartered organization receiving student activity funds, including space and staff contributions, shall have a bank account in its own name. If a chartered organization receives any support from student activity funds, it shall be presumed that the revenues of that organization are revenues generated by student activities funded through student activity fees, they shall be deposited by the Co-Chair for Business, and the Steering Committee shall allocate discretionary funds in the amount of the revenues.

5.3. Chartering Process

A proposed chartered organization may be recognized by the following procedures.

a. Proposal Requirements

The proposed chartered organization shall submit to the Co-Chair for Student Affairs a proposal that includes:

b. Review of Proposals

The Co-Chair for Student Affairs is responsible for ensuring that the proposed organization’s petition meets the membership requirements and that the proposed constitution and its governance structure is in accord with the ideals of the DGSC. The Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall distribute copies of only the proposed constitution and statement of purpose at the next Plenary meeting of the DGSC; at the Plenary meeting following this distribution, the DGSC shall vote whether to approve the charter of the proposed organization. If the motion passes by at least a three-fifths majority vote of the DGSC representatives, the proposed organization shall be granted its charter. In deciding whether to grant a charter to a new organization, the DGSC will consider at least the following points:

c. Period of Charter

The period of charter shall begin on the date of the Plenary meeting at which it is granted. The new organization shall be assigned a status of active that semester, with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto.

5.4. Status of Chartered Organizations

The Co-Chair for Student Affairs will assign each chartered organization a status of either “active” or “inactive” by the end of the ongoing semester according to the report of that semester. This status will affect the upcoming semester until the organization gains a new status. A status of “pending” will be assigned by default until a status of active or inactive has been assigned.

a. Criteria for Active Status

In order to attain active status each semester, an organization shall submit the following materials:

b. Criteria for Inactive Status

An organization shall be assigned an inactive status if it is not holding events or meetings on a regular basis, if it fails to submit an activity report or budget within the current semester, or if its membership drops below the minimum number. Organizations that are inactive for three consecutive semesters shall be de-chartered.

5.5 Inactive Organizations

The following rules apply to inactive chartered organizations:

a. Terms of Inactivity

There must be a matriculated student who is in contact with the Co-Chair for Student Affairs and is responsible for the organization’s property and maintaining the organization’s status. The contact person must in good faith advertise for new membership and leadership at least once a semester through at least two separate types of acceptable media found in Bylaw 1.4.b.

b. Revocation of Rights and Privileges Due to Inactivity

Inactive organizations shall forfeit any DGSC allocations and forfeit office space if there is an eligible, active organization with no space. Inactive organizations may still make use of the space and keep property in parts of the office, within reason, but must give priority to the active organization. An organization that is inactive for two subsequent semesters must vacate its office space. An organization that forfeits its office space due to inactivity will be eligible for office space after two semesters of active status.

5.6. Revocation of Charter

a. Criteria for Revocation

Upon determining that an organization has been assigned a status of inactive for at least three consecutive semesters or is in violation of the DGSC Constitution or Bylaws, the Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall initiate the de-chartering process for that organization at the following Steering Committee meeting.

b. De-Chartering Process

To de-charter an organization in the case of inactivity, the following steps must be taken:

To de-charter an organization in the case of violation of the DGSC Constitution and Bylaws, the following steps must be taken:

c. Penalties for Revocation

Upon revocation of a chartered organization’s charter, all tangible property (up to the amount of all DGSC funds allocated to the former chartered organization during the preceding seven years), as well as all intangible property and all rights to the use of the name of the former chartered organization shall revert to the DGSC. All remaining monies (up to the amount of all DGSC funds allocated to the former chartered organization during the preceding seven years) shall be returned to the DGSC Co-Chair for Business within 30 days of the revocation of its charter. All other tangible property (up to the amount of all DGSC funds allocated to the former chartered organization during the preceding seven years, less any monies returned) shall be returned to the Co-Chair for Student Affairs within 90 days of the revocation of its charter.

6. Budgeting

6.1. Allocations

a. Chartered Organization Allocations

Each chartered organization with an active status for a given semester shall be entitled to $300, plus an incentive allocation of up to 100% of the regular allocation as determined by the following categories:

The determination of activity shall be made by the Co-Chair for Student Affairs based on the activity report about the previous semester. The Co-Chair for Student Affairs may request additional information verifying the details of the report. The decision of activity may be appealed to the Steering Committee in writing and overturned by a two-thirds majority vote. Funds remaining after the fall semester shall be made available during the spring semester.

b. Grants

The DGSC shall set aside no less than 5% of its annual operating income for grant awards.

c. Program Allocations

Each program with representation for a given semester shall be entitled to the greater of $200 or $5 per student enrolled in the program. As per Constitution Article III.2.2, program representatives authorize, in consultation with their constituents, the expenditure of any funds allocated to their programs during the fiscal year in which those funds are allocated. Funds remaining after the fall semester shall be made available during the spring semester.

d. Program Student Associations

Program Student Associations may deposit funds with the Co-Chair for Business, which shall be credited to the program in the form of additional program allocations. Regular DGSC program allocations made to a program during a fiscal year shall not be available after the spring semester of that year. Additional program allocations deposited during that fiscal year may, at the request of that program’s DGSC Program Representative(s) by the end of the spring semester, be placed in a restricted fund with the Graduate Center Foundation under the control of the Program Student Association. The maximum amount of carryover funds shall be calculated as follows. If a program’s total expenditures for the fiscal year are greater than the program’s regular DGSC program allocations for the fiscal year, then the carryover maximum shall not exceed any monies remaining from additional program allocations at the end of the fiscal year. If a program’s total expenditures are less than the program’s regular DGSC program allocations for the fiscal year, then the carryover maximum shall not exceed the difference between the program’s total revenues for the fiscal year and the regular DGSC program allocations for the fiscal year. (See Bylaw 6.1.c for guidance regarding authorization of program allocation.)

e. Advisory Opinions

Any chartered organization, program, or DGSC affiliate with more than one leader, representative, or senior employee shall submit to the Co-Chair for Business by September 1 of each fiscal year an advisory statement signed by all leaders, representatives, or senior employees for the entity detailing the requirements for authorization of expenditures. When an additional member with the power to authorize expenditures is added to an entity with one or more such members or a member with the power to authorize expenditures is replaced due to vacancy, the current leaders, representatives, or senior employees for that entity shall submit a new or revised advisory opinion no later than 10 business days following the addition of the new members(s).

6.2. DGSO Stipend and Wage Schedule

a. Officer Stipends

The total annual stipend amounts for officers shall be:

Five-sixths of all annual stipends shall be paid in equal installments during the months of September through May and one-sixth shall be paid in equal installments during the months of July, August, and June of each fiscal year. Officers shall submit stipend requests to the Co-Chair for Business no later than the first week of each month as indicated.

b. Senior Employee Stipends

The total annual stipend amounts for senior employees shall be:

Employees shall submit stipend requests to the Co-Chair for Business no later than the first week of each period as indicated.

7. Election of Delegates to External Entities

The DGSC shall conduct elections for the following student delegates, making results known through the Co-Chair for Communications by June 1 of each year. All positions elected by or through the DGSC require students to be in good standing, subject to certification of eligibility by the Office of Student Affairs in the same manner as DGSC representatives.

7.1. Program Delegates

The students in each program shall elect from among students enrolled in that program delegates to the following positions during DGSC elections each year:

The term of office for each delegate shall be one year, commencing on July 1. Whenever a seat is vacated due to reasons other than the natural end of a term, the DGSO member who received the next highest number of votes in the preceding elections for the vacant seat shall be asked to serve out the remainder of the term. This method shall be carried out until a member accepts the position or until the list is exhausted, at which point the DGSC Program Representative(s) shall be asked to serve out the remainder of the term.

7.2. DGSC Delegates

The DGSCE shall elect from its own membership delegates to the following positions at its first meeting:

The term of office for each delegate shall be one year, commencing on July 1, with the exception of the Research Foundation Graduate Student Representative, who shall have a term of two years expiring in the spring of odd years. Whenever a seat is vacated due to reasons other than the natural end of a term, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement, whose appointment shall lapse at the next scheduled Plenary meeting when an election shall be held. Any delegate may be removed according to the procedures enumerated in Article V.3.2 of the Constitution.

7.3. DGSO Delegates

The DGSO shall elect from its own membership delegates to the following positions during DGSC elections each year:

The term of office for each delegate shall be one year, commencing on July 1. Whenever a seat is vacated due to reasons other than the natural end of a term, the DGSO member who received the next highest number of votes in the preceding elections for the vacant seat shall be asked to serve out the remainder of the term. This method shall be carried out until a member accepts the position or until the list is exhausted, at which point the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement, whose appointment shall lapse at the next scheduled Plenary meeting when an election shall be held.

8. Program Student Associations

8.1 Purpose of Program Student Associations

The purpose of Program Student Associations shall be to

8.2 Rights and Responsibilities of Program Student Associations

8.3 Recognition of Program Student Associations

A program student government with a ratified constitution may be recognized as a Program Student Association by the following procedures.

a. Petition Requirements

After a motion to petition for recognition has been approved by a majority of the voting members of any student government, that government shall submit its petition to the Co-Chair for Student Affairs. The petition shall include:

b. Review of Petitions

The Co-Chair for Student Affairs is responsible for assuring that the proposed association’s petition meets the requirements and that the constitution is in accord with the ideals of the DGSC. The Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall distribute copies of only the constitution at the next Plenary meeting of the DGSC; at the Plenary meeting following this distribution, the DGSC shall vote whether to approve the petition of the proposed association. If the motion passes by at least a three-fifths majority vote of the DGSC representatives, the program student government shall be granted recognition as a Program Student Association. In deciding whether to grant recognition to a new association, the DGSC will consider at least the following points:

The DGSC may grant provisional recognition contingent on amendments to the constitution that are specified in the motion itself.

c. Period of Recognition

The period of recognition shall last from the date of the Plenary at which it is granted or, in the case of provisional recognition, the date of amendment of the constitution, whichever is later, until the end of that fiscal year.

8.4 Renewal of Program Student Associations

Each recognized Program Student Association may renew its recognition annually for the period of July 1 through June 30 of the following year by submitting to the Co-Chair for Student Affairs an updated constitution and a list of all voting and ex-officio members, their titles, and their email addresses by June 1 of the current year. If all students in the program are voting members, only representatives and officers need be named. Any changes in voting or ex-officio members or their contact information must be reported to the Co-Chair for Student Affairs within seven calendar days. If all students in the program are voting members, only changes in representatives or officers need be reported.

8.5 Probation of Program Student Associations

Any recognized Program Student Association that fails to renew its recognition shall be placed on probation for a period of one semester. When an association is placed on probation, the Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall contact the last known members, officers, or representatives of that association to verify that the association is dissolved or is no longer seeking recognition. If no representatives can be contacted, the Co-Chair for Student Affairs shall contact the students in that program through, at a minimum, an announcement in the Advocate; an announcement on the DGSC website; and two email messages, at least one week apart, sent to as many students in the program as possible. If a response is received and the association files for renewal, the Co-Chair for Student Affairs may request, at their discretion, evidence that the election of any new representatives or officers was endorsed by a majority of students in that program. Any association that files for renewal during its probationary period may only be renewed by a majority vote of the DGSC representatives at the next Plenary meeting of the DGSC. Any association that fails to file for renewal before and during its probationary period shall be automatically derecognized, and another student government from that program shall not be recognized for at least one year.

8.6 Derecognition of Program Student Associations

Any Program Student Association may be derecognized by a three-fifths majority vote of the DGSC. A representative cannot move to derecognize an association unless they notify its officers or representatives in writing, copied to the DGSC Executive Committee, at least five business days before the Plenary meeting at which the motion may be entertained. The motion shall specify the period of time after which another Program Student Association from the same program may be recognized, with that period not exceeding five years.

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